Wall Decor & Guest Room Dresser

Bear with me as you are reading and looking at this post. I posted way more pictures than usual because there are 2 things that I was dealing with. You'll see...

First off I got this at a garage sale for $3 bucks several weeks ago. What is it right? It's junk! Noooo, really it's an old kitchen cabinet glass door! Probably wondering what in the world would I do with that and why I would ever buy it!?

I painted it a shade of white, distressed and finished it with a wax!

There were holes from where the old hardware was so I played it up a little and added hardware back onto those areas.

I then hung a curtain rod....

and from the curtain rod I hung a wreath! It's GORGEOUS, but there's more to it!

We bought this IKEA dresser to use as a changing table for Kai. I knew it was a little girly and he wasn't going to keep it forever.....so this is now going to be the guest room dresser!

I painted it a "Lisa Packard" paint color....which means I mixed my own colors to get this blue I was wanting in my very own garage! Who needs Home Depot? I then glazed {as you can see in the pic} the whole dresser to give it that antique look! 

Added some flare to my dresser top!

I kept the original hardware for  2 reasons. One I just liked it and two the hardware was a little different since it was made by IKEA so I knew it would be hard to find something to replace it.

Close up of some of my distressing I did.

I like to glaze on a piece like this. It really gets down in the nooks of my dresser....

My finished dresser! I LOVE it!

Here it is all together!

I can't stop looking at it!

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