Antique Desk and Chair {Oct. 25, 2012}

I found this beauty at a once a month garage sale that happens in a parking lot in Auburn by my parents place! The guy that sold it to me had plans to fix it up and never got around to it! 

Hmmm, what shall I do with this cute piece? My mind was spinning! I had some bead board I got for dirt cheap at HD in the scrap pile...I finally knew what I was going to use it for!

I also found on the same day at a different garage sale this darling chair. The seat was in shambles and so I had to use it to trace and cut out a new one! 

I decided on painting both of these pieces white and have them be a set. They are both done in chalk paint. For some reason I had a hard time with the chalk paint on this one!

I painted the inside of the drawers blue to match the darling fabric I had picked out for the chair! I think it turned out really cute!

I kept the original hardware for the desk because it was so cute and fitting for the look I wanted.

The best part! I used that bead board on both sides and the back of the desk so that it can be more versatile to how you want to place the desk! It can go against a wall or face outwards to a room! I LOVE it! 

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