Small Bathroom Cabinet

I purchased this cute wall shelf at a garage sale a month ago. The old man that was selling it said his father-in-law hand-made it! I love to hear the history of my findings! I thought he was going to want more for it because of the sentiment that it had. $3 bucks! It was SOLD!

I decided I wanted to to paint it a white {summer grey} color. The style of painting I did on it is called, dry brushing. This style of painting gives me that worn look I was if I just grabbed it from the barn and hung it up!

I kept all the original hardware. It was too cute to let go!


I put some white linens in the cabinet below.

 I found this cute syrup holder that had a really cute spout. I used that to put bath salts in.

I love how it all turned out!

This is one of my favorite things in my house right now!

It's perfect over my sunken tub!

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